25 March 2012

Bye Daytona......Hello Thruxton

After a few years with my Daytona, its time to say goodbye. Not that because the bike did not served me well nor not performing as good. In fact the Daytona is one of the sweetest sport bike I have ever had.

I love the light weight and I love the 3 cylinders engine. I also love the look so much that I purely enjoy the bike by staring at it.

However the day will come and had came. I am getting old and chicken out before twisting the throttle and leaning around corners. But my neck problem is the sole reason why I let this lovely bike leave me. My damn neck muscle and degenerated C6/7 disc won't support my body to lean over for a proper riding position anymore.

So, here it comes. A Cafe Racer over track fighter is a good transition before I totally give up riding. Moreover, who don't wanna ride like Steve Mcqueen.

Thruxton is a very gentle bike and also enable me to ride in a different style. Now I call myself a rocker and also trying to act like one. No more furious riding but more in style.

24 March 2012

King of Cool

An icon for every man, a fantasy for every woman and a legend for every biker. Carrying the name "King of Cool" is not just because his 40+ films. Steve Mcqueen lived out as a real man and set the bench mark of adventurous spirit. He radiated such macho energy. Men wanted to be like him. Uptight society ladies and biker molls wanted to be with him.

Some say he is an actor who race, but for me or other bikers, he is a racer who act. He created a whole new lifestyle for us back from the wonderful 60's and 70's.

I don't intent to tell his story here as most people know who he was and what he did. (If you don't, please google yourself!!) Just a salute to my all time favorite idol on his birthday the 24th March, and remind me how cool he was in "The Great Escape" and "The Magnificant Seven".

A few quotes from him which inspire me of being a real man.

"I live for myself and I answer to nobody."

"When I believe in something, I fight like hell for it."