28 November 2008


最近日本拍了一套非常好的電影 "Happy Flight". 剛剛在日本本土上演不久. 一直覺得日本拍的航空題材都是拍得比較認真. 所以我覺得在亞洲來說是比較有好看的, 不知道什麽時候出DVD呢?
導演矢口史靖是個航空迷, 他從小就愛看空難片, 但有意思的是, 矢口這一次却拍了一部比較舒服的航空作品. 通常這類電影不是空難, 就是反映機師或是空姐的故事, 而 "Happy Flight" 却包括了民航的各个角落, 反映出很多不為人知而平凡有趣的民航工作. 其實大部分美國的電影都是夸張的, 跟客機相關的很多有意思的故事都被忽視了, 實在可惜. 一次飛行的主角不只是坐在小小駕駛艙里的人, 它和地面和空中的很多人有關, 這是團隊合作的结果.
電影得到ANA(全日空)的全面協助. ANA還派了多名代表提供帮助, 包括劇本, 安排外景場地, 技術指導, 服裝、空姐顧問等,甚至用了公司員工當演員呢. 最重要是ANA將一架真的波音747-400客機借出十五日, 應該是日本航空史上的首次吧. 另外還在東京國際機場, 關西國際機場, 福光機場, ANA總部和維修廠等拍攝外景. 而且演員在開拍前都經過嚴格的培训. 演正副機長的時任三郎和田邊誠一連續幾天接受每天八小時的理論和模疑機飛行訓練. 而綾濑遙等人則跟ANA的空姐一起接受空服培訓. 認真就應該會比較好看, 這是我的邏輯, 呵呵呵!!!
順便我再推薦幾套關於空姐和航空的電視劇吧, 我覺得也是拍得比較認真, 不是ANA就是JAL協助拍攝的. "Attention Please", "Call Me CA!" 和 經典的 "Good Luck" 都會讓你看得挺過癮的!!
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10 November 2008

Yes, I am an Atheist

Religion is a by-product of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?

"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on
sympathy, education, and social ties and needs;
no religious basis is necessary.
Man would indeed be in a poor way
if he had to be restrained
by fear of punishment
and hope of reward after death."
(Albert Einstein)

I think the point is not whether atheists criticise religion but whether religion can stand up to criticism. So far no religion could stand up to criticism, that is why religion has had to resort to blasphemy laws and the might of the state to silence and crush opposition.

Atheism offers intellectual integrity and freedom from religion. Therefore I reject religious absolutes, primitive "revelations", superstition, blind obedience and self-effacing prostrations to a tyrannical deity whose existence cannot be proven. I also value reason, logic, knowledge, freedom, equality and social progress. I always live by the golden rule: Treat others as you would have them treat you. Ethics need not be entwined with religion and meaningful lives do not require fictitious deities.

After all, I'm an atheist, and that's it. Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration - courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth.