17 December 2008


宗教是需要想清楚才相信的, 亦要想清楚才不相信. 這個"想", 應該是理性的想, 畢竟幻想並不能也不應該帶領人生. 如果你對宗教方面有興趣, 我建議一定要看看由Richard Dawkins新寫的一本書 "The God Delusion".
我可以說, 看過這本書後, 你也會同意理性邏輯肯定是站在無神論這一邊. 我相信科學就是宗教的死敵, 科學已殺死了不知多少迷信. 即使頑強如基督教, 我相信有朝一日也要被科學征服.
書內亦引用一些例子說明宗教其實更能導人向惡. Dawkins便指出了舊約和新約聖經內有違現代道德標準的地方. 還指出聖經是一本民族意識很強的書,書內的"人"指的都是猶太人, 根本不把白種人,黃種人和黑人包括在內. 而聖經內的種族屠殺, 歧視, 暴力, 亂倫, 色情, 仇視等情節更是恐怖. 說聖經是受神感召而寫的? 其實寫的還不是人? 而且是一幫古代無知識的猶太人!!
首先應該理性地思考宗教, Dawkins對"神學"是很鄙視的, 認為"神學"根本沒資格稱為一門學科. 想想也有道理, "神學"是甚麼? 就是不停地對聖經作解釋, 和對這些解釋不停作修修補補. 因此又分裂出不同派別. 每當時間向前推進, 令宗教跟社會科學起了矛盾, 那些"神學家"便出來解釋, 為聖經的漏洞補釘. 但他們憑甚麼支持他們所說呢? 不是科學, 更沒有證據, 只有我引你所說, 你引我所說, 互相支持才能成立. Richard Dawkins 這本書真的很powerful, 對宗教來一次徹底的反擊. 他說話用了不少理據, 確實令他的說服力大增.
還有其他我覺得比較有意思的是David Mills寫的 "Atheist Universe" 和Christopher Hitchens的 "God is not Great". 英文不好而看不懂的朋友也沒關係, 如果有機會有時間的話, 我可以慢慢跟你們講, 我是非常愿意跟你分享這些書裡面所說的內容...... 
    1061-1   God_is_not_great

28 November 2008


最近日本拍了一套非常好的電影 "Happy Flight". 剛剛在日本本土上演不久. 一直覺得日本拍的航空題材都是拍得比較認真. 所以我覺得在亞洲來說是比較有好看的, 不知道什麽時候出DVD呢?
導演矢口史靖是個航空迷, 他從小就愛看空難片, 但有意思的是, 矢口這一次却拍了一部比較舒服的航空作品. 通常這類電影不是空難, 就是反映機師或是空姐的故事, 而 "Happy Flight" 却包括了民航的各个角落, 反映出很多不為人知而平凡有趣的民航工作. 其實大部分美國的電影都是夸張的, 跟客機相關的很多有意思的故事都被忽視了, 實在可惜. 一次飛行的主角不只是坐在小小駕駛艙里的人, 它和地面和空中的很多人有關, 這是團隊合作的结果.
電影得到ANA(全日空)的全面協助. ANA還派了多名代表提供帮助, 包括劇本, 安排外景場地, 技術指導, 服裝、空姐顧問等,甚至用了公司員工當演員呢. 最重要是ANA將一架真的波音747-400客機借出十五日, 應該是日本航空史上的首次吧. 另外還在東京國際機場, 關西國際機場, 福光機場, ANA總部和維修廠等拍攝外景. 而且演員在開拍前都經過嚴格的培训. 演正副機長的時任三郎和田邊誠一連續幾天接受每天八小時的理論和模疑機飛行訓練. 而綾濑遙等人則跟ANA的空姐一起接受空服培訓. 認真就應該會比較好看, 這是我的邏輯, 呵呵呵!!!
順便我再推薦幾套關於空姐和航空的電視劇吧, 我覺得也是拍得比較認真, 不是ANA就是JAL協助拍攝的. "Attention Please", "Call Me CA!" 和 經典的 "Good Luck" 都會讓你看得挺過癮的!!
post-1360747-1209880441 410_ga214_0_1

10 November 2008

Yes, I am an Atheist

Religion is a by-product of fear. For much of human history, it may have been a necessary evil, but why was it more evil than necessary? Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?

"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on
sympathy, education, and social ties and needs;
no religious basis is necessary.
Man would indeed be in a poor way
if he had to be restrained
by fear of punishment
and hope of reward after death."
(Albert Einstein)

I think the point is not whether atheists criticise religion but whether religion can stand up to criticism. So far no religion could stand up to criticism, that is why religion has had to resort to blasphemy laws and the might of the state to silence and crush opposition.

Atheism offers intellectual integrity and freedom from religion. Therefore I reject religious absolutes, primitive "revelations", superstition, blind obedience and self-effacing prostrations to a tyrannical deity whose existence cannot be proven. I also value reason, logic, knowledge, freedom, equality and social progress. I always live by the golden rule: Treat others as you would have them treat you. Ethics need not be entwined with religion and meaningful lives do not require fictitious deities.

After all, I'm an atheist, and that's it. Religion is fundamentally opposed to everything I hold in veneration - courage, clear thinking, honesty, fairness, and, above all, love of the truth.

14 September 2008

Cockpit Visit ??

A few days ago I flew back to SIN and on arrival, my CIC asked if we could let a kid in to take a look at the cockpit.....and the Capt said that it wasn't possible due to security reasons. Times have changed!!!!

I am so glad I have got some chances to cater quite a few kids to visit the cockpit back in the day when I was with CX, way before 911. We let them come up and if their parents are there I'll let their Dads to get a photo of them. Tomorrow's aviators, folks. Someone's gotta fly us around when we retire. Sometimes, a little PR also goes a long way to elevate our profession.

Because those good old days are long gone, no can do now!!! Thinking a cockpit visit is definetly out of the question, even on ground most of the time!!! Might as well get yourself a professional pilot licence and build up the hours to get the rating... then you wont have to ask!!!!

20 June 2008

Training Mission Accomplished

It was a long journey for my CAAS licence conversion...........dispite the unnecessary troubles created by Okay and CAAC, complicated administrative process, numerous flight checks and high rate of travel was involved.


Stage one, 2 weeks ground school in SIA Training Centre for CAAS air law, HPL and Perf A exam. I reckon one week is far more then enough. They are as straight forward and as simple as it is. Getting 100% passed on each of these papers already tells how simple they are or how smart I am, huh!!!


Stage two, 4 weeks 50 hrs Jet handling Course in Jandakot. A must for fresh cadets, but what the hell was it for me? Couldn't I fly a tiny little jet with only 9300kg while I have 4500 TT hours in B747/B737 under my belt??? I asked.....well, CP explained "it is providing jet PIC hrs for your command upgrade in short future, this training is only for SFO".....Wow, a very very acceptable reason for me, in fact, I love to hear that...... By the way, flying thru 8 cities in 4 weeks time in LHS as PIC was an incredible experience.

SIA Learjet1159708
 Stage three, 4 weeks ground school in SIA Training Centre. Here the real life began, lots of data and procedures were programmed into my head during the time. Turning my Boeing concept upside down or think myself was a green cadet would helps. The real challenge was how to keep my eyes open for the course......it was really a sleep activator.


Stage four, 4 weeks Simulator CPT and FFS Flying back with STC. This was the best part so far, and eventually the side-stick was in my right hand. Being an "A" Driver instead of "B" Driver. Some said it is a lazy movement, but I say it is a advancement if not an upgrade. At least I will be driving an automatic machine.


Stage five, 4 days Emergency + 2 days CRM + 3 days Performance Training spread over 3 weeks. Getting wet, playing games and meeting new friends......with lots of days off in between. What a nice semi-vacation before airbourne!!!

Stage six, Base Training with 10 T/Os and LDGs. Spread on 2 days with a couple of days between. Lots of fun and lots of pressure......serious business from now on. I did half of the requirements in Johor, and the other half was in Batam.

Stage seven, 40 sectors Line Training on scheduled flights over 6 weeks.  Just getting to smell the cockpit atmosphere and know the culture. Flying??? Are there any differences between airlines, ain't we pull to climb, push to land??? any differences??? Don't think so.... All I wanna find out is how to "Ding" the FA in and ask for a drink, or where to go for fun while staying outports. 

Stage eight, Line Duties. Either CX or SQ, they are international airlines, I can't tell much different. But Okay was, is and will be very 'Chinese' for quite a long while, as long as the CP is still the same F***ing A**hole who trying to run the messy show by himself. Anyway, I am Glad to get back to formal airlines flying.....
"Hey Sing guys and gals!! ready to go??"



22 May 2008


过去的几十年里, 我一直是个无宗教信仰的人. 停留在信仰的空白区, 可佛可主, 不佛不主, 有些基督教朋友拉我信教, 但因为对新旧约的理论有太多懝问而无意接受, 而在过去的生活环境中又没有懂真正佛法的人, 所以我对佛教的情形也一无所知. 但在几年前, 于因缘认识父亲的一名朋友, 他让我接触了佛法. 而最终引起了我今天研读佛经的兴趣.

在求知的过程中, 我发现了很多. 在佛经里, 我日以继夜的发掘, 探求. 虽然时间不长, 所获有限, 但在发掘的过程中, 使我感到佛法的高深圆融, 博大精微. 但在部份朋友的眼中, 却以为我对佛法着了迷, 走到消极逃世的路上, 进而误解到佛教是使人迷信的宗教. 因此我希望有日能把我所知的佛教写出来, 给这些朋友们作个参考.

"一切众生皆具如来智慧德相, 唯以妄想执著不能证得"

18 April 2008

Memories of the Sink of RMS Titanic

The Titanic was a British registered four funnelled ocean liner built for the transatlantic passenger and mail service between Southampton and New York.
Constructed at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Northern Ireland she was, at the time of her maiden voyage, the largest vessel afloat.
On April 10th 1912 the Titanic set sail from Southampton with 2,200+ passengers and crew, four days later the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank. In the morning of the April 15th 1912, more than 1500 people died and merely 700 survived.
It is 96 years and 3 days since Titanic was lost.
RMS Titianic
Chief Purser McElroy and Captain Edward Smith

12 March 2008

Are You Experiencing These??

You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of your god.

You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from lesser life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dust.

You laugh at polytheist, but you have no problem believing in a "Trinity" God.

Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethic groups in "Joshua", including women, children, animals and even trees.


You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs, will spend eternity in an infinite hell of suffering. And yet you consider your religion the most "tolerant" and " loving".

You are willing to spend your life looking for a little loop-holes in the SCIENTIFICALLY established age of earth is 4.55 billion years old, but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by pre-historic tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that the earth is only 6000 years old.

While modern science, history, geology, biology and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiots rolling around in the church speaking to the air may be all the evidence you need to prove your god.

You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of god.
My dear friends, if you are having the above symptoms, don't worry!!! It simply indicates that you are a Christian either without reasoning ability, or having great ignorance ability. It can be cured by yourself thru education, knowledge, logic thinking, reasoning or even simple common senses, of coz, only if you are willing to be cured.......